Secureboot + Ubuntu + VirtualBox Signing kernel modules

Set of steps required for dealing with secureboot on Ubuntu where VirutalBox service has issues

9 May 2021

Fixing the postfix error dpkg

Steps to fix the postfix error happening during apt upgrade ubuntu.

21 April 2021

Running a react app on Local Kubernetes cluster on Windows 10

Process and steps for running react app on local k8s cluster using minikube on windows 10

16 March 2021

Gatsby site hosted on AWS Amplify redirecting to homepage always

Using the rewrites and redirects on AWS Amplify for the depolyed personal website

2 November 2020

Connecting AWS Amplify for deployment of website

Explains how to connect the gatsby website hosted on github to AWS Amplify for deployment

1 November 2020

Evolution of this website

will be capturing the evolution of my website chronologically (latest first)

31 October 2020

Making of "Tree Story" Animated Short

Behind the scenes of the Animated Short "Tree Story"

21 October 2020

Profiling & Visualization Tools in Python - Part 1

Profiling & Visualization Tools in Python using cProfile

19 October 2020

Adding Google Analytics to personal website

How I added google analytics to my personal website written in Gatsby

7 October 2020